Mould Polishing
A any type of mould needs to be polished to make it long lasting and lustrous. Quality of surface of a mold is important factor to decide the performance and aesthetics of a manufactured product. Polishing is used to remove scratches and burrs from any mold/dies. We not only polish to prepare for texture but are capable fo providing polish as final finish. Our Polishing department specializes in lens/mirror finishes. we can take the surface at its roughest starting point and bring to A1 finish.Jai Ambay has experienced much in the feild of shoe mould etching and designing & understands the complete importance of Mould polishing. A polished mould give perfect results for the final output/ design.
As gloss targets continue to be pushed lower, hitting these targets consistently can be very difficult and costly. MicroMatte is a technique developed to achieve and maintain low gloss finishes on plastic injection molded parts, without altering the visual appearance of the base texture. MicroMatte is a micro-laser generated overlay technology used translate in-mold texturing applications. MicroMatte diffuses the reflective light on the molded part resulting in low gloss, rich realistic texture finishes on all types of plastics. MicroMatte can be applied over existing textures in molds or applied during the initial texturing process. If the texture is damaged, MicroMatte is repairable. Mold drafts should be considered when applying MicroMatte, and changes in molding process parameters may be necessary to gain maximum benefits.
While new technologies are sprouting everywhere each day, it is also important to focus on the existing techniques and find ways to improve them. The scope of industrial products is heading towards diversification and naturally, the quality of a mould plays a significant role in determining the quality of a product. This is where mould polishing steps in. It is the process of smoothing the surface of a mould to remove any bumps so that the quality of a product made from the mould is not defective. There are many different ways in which the polishing is achieved, but the end quality is always flawless. At Jai Ambay, we specialise in lens and mirror finish polishing, the finest quality of finish. With us, find skilled professionals who are experts in several polishing techniques and get the best results!
Types Of Mould Polishing
There are six common mould polishing methods – mechanical polishing, chemical polishing, electropolishing, ultrasonic polishing, fluid polishing, and magnetic grinding & polishing.
Mechanical Polishing
This method involves the usage of oilstones, sandpaper, etc., and a smooth finish is obtained by cutting or deforming the protrusions. Sometimes, the process also involves soaking a grinding tool in a polishing liquid with abrasives and pressing it against the workpiece. This is known as the most common mould polishing method.Chemical Polishing
In this method, the workpiece is immersed in a medium of chemicals that works on dissolving the projections on the surface. It comes in handy for polishing complicated shapes.Electropolishing
Similar to the above-mentioned method, electropolishing involves the selective dissolving of the projections and obtrusions on the surface of a material to arrive at a smooth finish.Ultrasonic polishing
By using a tool for ultrasonic vibration, brittle material is polished with the help of an abrasive solution in this technique. One need not worry about deformation in this process as the force is somewhat less.Fluid Polishing
While other methods use abrasive solutions to immerse the workpiece, this method is about a flowing abrasive that erodes the unnecessary obtrusions from the surface of the workpiece.Magnetic Grinding & Polishing
Here, magnetic abrasives are employed to abrasive brush. This acts under the influence of a magnetic field and thus ends up grinding the workpiece. This method offers the technician more control over the grinding methods and is of great efficiency.
Why Choose Mould Polishing Services At Jai Ambay?
We at Jai Ambay have worked for many years in this field and understand what a client requires from us when it comes to a particular project. As an expert in show mould etching and designing, we exercise our top quality services in mould polishing methods.
At Jai Ambay, we make the requests of our clients our priority and we work on delivering the best results that will benefit both us and the client. Efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and high-quality – we practice these qualities as our mantra to produce the best results.
Frequently Asked Questions?
There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have in that some form by injected randomised words which don’t look even as slightly believable now.
There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have in that some form by injected randomised words which don’t look even as slightly believable now.
There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have in that some form by injected randomised words which don’t look even as slightly believable now.
There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have in that some form by injected randomised words which don’t look even as slightly believable now.